Up to half of new diabetes cases in the U.S. linked to obesity

By American Heart Association News

Towfiqu Barbhuiya/EyeEm, Getty Images
(Towfiqu Barbhuiya/EyeEm, Getty Images)

在美国,肥胖导致了一半的2型糖尿病病例, new research shows, highlighting the need for greater prevention.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association, 发现肥胖的频率在成年人中增加,在2型糖尿病患者中一直更高. 在过去的二十年中,肥胖与每年30%-53%的新诊断的2型糖尿病有关.

"Decreasing obesity needs to be a priority," lead author Dr. Natalie A. Cameron said in a news release. 她是芝加哥西北大学麦高医学中心的内科住院医师. "Public health efforts that support healthy lifestyles, such as increasing access to nutritious foods, 促进体育活动和发展预防肥胖的社区项目, could substantially reduce new cases of Type 2 diabetes."

2型糖尿病是最常见的糖尿病,在美国有超过3100万人受到影响.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Being overweight or obese is one of several risk factors. Others are being over the age of 45; having an immediate family member diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes; being physically inactive; and having had diabetes during pregnancy.

65岁以下因2型糖尿病死亡的人数一直在上升, 伴随着严重的并发症,如截肢和住院治疗. 患有糖尿病的成年人患心脏病或中风的可能性是没有糖尿病的人的两倍.

2型糖尿病通常可以通过改变生活方式来预防,甚至逆转. Previous research has shown that losing weight, 健康饮食和增加体育锻炼可以将患2型糖尿病的风险降低58%, even in those at high risk. For people over 60, the risk can be reduced by up to 71%.

Type 2 diabetes is more common among people who are Black, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander or Asian American. In the new study, 研究开始时没有糖尿病的参与者都是白人, Black and Mexican American adults ages 45 to 79. Researchers analyzed data collected from 2000 to 2017 in two studies, 动脉粥样硬化多民族研究(MESA)和全国健康与营养调查(NHANES).

In the NHANES analysis, 他们发现肥胖的频率从34%上升到41%,并且在2型糖尿病患者中一直更高. In the MESA data, 肥胖者患2型糖尿病的可能性几乎是不肥胖者的三倍. In both, 肥胖的人更有可能是黑人或墨西哥裔美国人, 而肥胖在年收入低于50美元的人群中更为常见,000 per year.

“我们怀疑这些差异可能指出了健康的重要社会决定因素,除了肥胖之外,还导致了2型糖尿病的新病例。," Cameron said.

该研究还发现,非西班牙裔白人女性最不容易肥胖. 然而,当他们处于肥胖状态时,这一群体最有可能患上与肥胖相关的2型糖尿病.


“肥胖人群感染COVID-19的严重程度令人担忧,因为他们在未来几年可能会经历越来越多的不良健康后果," senior author Dr. Sadiya Khan said in the release. 她是西北大学范伯格医学院的医学助理教授. “我们需要进一步努力,帮助更多的成年人采用更健康的生活方式,希望能减少肥胖的流行。."

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