


因为去诊所的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽很短(大约15分钟), preparing can help you make the most of your time with your doctor. Researchers at Ohio State University developed the PACE Guide Sheet1 to give you an easy way to organize your feelings, questions and concerns before your visit. PACE代表:

  • 提供你感觉如何的信息.
  • 如果你没有足够的信息,就问问题.
  • 澄清你所听到的.
  • 表达你可能有的任何顾虑.


  • A day or two before your doctor visit, answer the questions on the sheet. If you're not having problems or concerns, leave blank spaces on the form.
  • 在就诊开始时把这张表给医生看. During the visit, use the sheet to remember what you wanted to discuss with your doctor.

1经唐纳德·J·肯尼迪许可使用. Cegala, Professor of Communication and Family Medicine, Ohio State University

P.A.C.E. 了解更多:


写下你的症状、担忧或问题. If you've noticed changes in how you're feeling, make a note of when the change started.

Use these questions to help you describe your symptoms and concerns:


  • 你有疼痛吗 胸部疼痛)? 如果有,在哪里??
  • 疼痛是持续的,还是来了又走?
  • Is it a sharp pain, a dull ache, tightness, pressure or a burning feeling?
  • 你注意到它的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽和频率? 例如, 是在饭前还是饭后, 当你早上起床的时候, 当你休息或体力活动后?
  • 持续多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽——几秒钟还是几分钟?
  • 运动时症状会加重吗? 如果是这样,哪些活动会让情况变得更糟?


  • 你吃药让自己感觉好点吗? 什么药(如硝酸甘油治疗胸痛)? 什么时候服药,怎么服药?
  • 这药有用吗??
  • 你用其他治疗方法来帮助你吗, 比如维生素, 草本植物, 膳食补充剂, 非处方药品, 物理治疗, 针灸或其他治疗方法?
  • Does avoiding certain things, such as specific activities, foods or 药物, help this condition? 如果是这样,有什么帮助呢?
  • 你看过其他医生吗? 如果有,你的病情是如何治疗的?


  • Do you think your symptoms might be affected by problems, worries or stress? (如果是这样,向你的医生解释一下.)
  • Are you concerned that these symptoms could be a sign that your heart condition is getting worse?


想想你希望医生能为你做些什么. 如果你有一个想法,你可以把它写在PACE表格上. You won't always know exactly what you want your doctor to do for you, 所以这部分你可以留空.


看医生之前一定要想清楚你的问题. Write your questions on your PACE sheet or a note card so you don't forget them. 如果你有三个以上的问题, 用星号标记最重要的, 所以你一定要先问问他们.

Use these sample questions to think about more information you'd like to know about your condition, 药物, 检查和其他治疗.


  • 是什么 冠状动脉疾病(CAD) 为什么我有它?
  • 我的CAD有多糟? 我会康复吗?? 保持不变? 变得更糟?
  • 这种疾病会影响我的正常活动吗? 如果有,如何?
  • 这种病的治疗需要多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽?
  • 我怎么知道我的冠心病是否恶化了?
  • Are there programs or support groups to help me take care of and cope with my condition?

Sample questions about 测试 or procedures (such as ECG or angiogram)

  • 这样做的目的是什么 测试或程序? 它能告诉我们我的情况吗?
  • 做这个检查或手术有什么风险吗?
  • 测试包括哪些内容? 例如:
    • 考试痛苦吗??
    • 要花多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽?
    • 我是醒着还是睡着了?
    • 我需要带人一起去吗?
    • 这个测试有保险吗?


  • 为什么我需要吃药? 它能做什么??
  • 我应该注意哪些副作用并向我的医生报告?
  • 你们有样品让我试一下吗?
  • 这种药有通用型吗?
  • 我吃了这药会感觉好些吗? 我要多久才能好起来?
  • How should I take the medicine, and what should I do if I miss a dose?
  • 我需要吃多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的药?

Sample questions about other treatments (such as dietary changes and physical activity)

  • 我需要做什么?
  • 多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽?
  • 我需要多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的治疗?
  • 我什么时候能看到结果?
  • 这种治疗有风险吗?


When you talk to your health care team, you may hear things that are hard to understand. 或者你可能会混淆,因为你听到太多的东西. 即使你认为你知道医生, 护士, 药剂师或其他专业人士告诉你, 把你听到的说清楚是个好主意.


  • 请专业人士解释一下.
  • 重复专业人士的指示.
  • 回顾你听到的内容.


If you don't understand something, ask the professional to repeat what he or she said. If you don't understand a word, ask them to use a simpler word that you will understand. Make sure you know what the professional wants you to do and why you should do it.


  • “我不明白. 你能用不同的或更简单的词再说一遍吗?"
  • “你能澄清一下吗?”?"
  • “你能重复一下最后一段吗??"
  • 这个词是什么意思?"
  • “请帮我拼一下这个词。."


卫生保健专业人员给出了很多指示, 比如什么时候吃药, 要注意什么以及如何照顾自己. 这些说明很重要. 确保你理解了它们, 重复说明, 用你自己的话, 问问专业人士你的理解是否正确.


  • “我想你是在告诉我……”
  • “你想让我……我说得对吗?”
  • “在我下次拜访之前,我会……”
  • “你要我打电话给你,如果……”


At the end of a phone call or office visit, review what you've heard. 重复你和你的专业人员达成一致的事情. 如果你觉得你可能会忘记什么, 写下来(或者让专业人士帮你写下来).


Patient: "I understand that my cholesterol is still high and that you want me to take this new medicine. You think my exercise is helping and that I can increase my walking to 35 minutes a day. Finally, you think my headaches are not related to my heart condition. 对吗??" 医生:“是的, and we also agreed you would eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day." 病人:是的. 你能帮我写下来吗? 我还错过什么了吗?"


  • “我听到你告诉我这三件事……”
  • “我们决定……”
  • “你想让我试一种新药,因为……”
  • “你认为我做得很好,除了……”
  • “你能把你想让我记住的事情写下来吗??"


Bring a tape recorder and ask your doctor if it's OK to tape your visit. 如果他或她不愿意全程录音, 请他或她为你记录任何指示.

Bring someone with you to help ask questions and write down important instructions and information for you.

Ask your doctor to spell medical words or draw pictures to help you understand a procedure or instruction.


你可能会担心自己的病情和治疗方法, 包括程序, 测试, 药物, 饮食改变和体育锻炼建议. It's very important to speak up and talk to your health care professionals about your concerns. Make sure you understand why the doctor is prescribing a certain treatment and how it will help your condition. You'll find it easier to follow a treatment plan when you know how important it is to your health.

You can make your condition worse if you don't follow your health care team's instructions. If you can't follow your treatment plan, be honest and talk with your doctor about it. He or she may be able to recommend another treatment that will meet your needs better. 例如, if one of your 药物 has unpleasant side effects, don't just stop taking it. Tell your doctor about the problem and ask if there's another medicine that will help your condition without the side effect.

Use the PACE Sheet to write your questions or concerns to review with your health care professionals. 写下你想要改变什么以及为什么.

Remember, you're the most important part of your health care team. It's up to you to carry out the professionals' advice to make yourself healthier. 你需要有人回答你的担忧和问题, 这样你就能理解并遵循你的治疗计划.