
Three happy women with dog sitting on boardwalk at sunset


感到孤独? 你不是唯一一个.

Study after study confirms that people — of all ages, races and walks of life — struggle to connect with others.

We experience loneliness in different ways for different reasons. Typically, if people perceive that their social relations are lacking, then negative feelings arise. But someone can feel lonely without being alone in a crowd of strangers. Humans need not only the presence of others but also people who provide meaningful connections.

Many resist seeking help for fear of being perceived as weak and loneliness can build upon itself, 导致人们进一步退缩. But loneliness isn’t a character flaw. 感到孤独 means you have a natural need for social connection.


Too much solitude isn’t good for your body or mind. Researchers say it’s as harmful to a person’s health and longevity as smoking, 肥胖和缺乏运动. Any prolonged period of loneliness can lead to health problems such as:

  • Heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke
  • 认知能力下降和痴呆
  • Higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicide
  • 免疫系统减弱
  • 增加过早死亡的风险


Although feelings of loneliness can happen to anyone, some people are vulnerable to the more detrimental effects of loneliness, 包括:

  • People who live alone or are unable to leave home
  • Anyone who has recently experienced a major life change such as job loss or death of a loved one
  • Caregivers and parents who may be isolated or overwhelmed
  • Adults 18-30 years old and over age 50
  • 家庭收入低的人
  • Anyone who faces inequities such as age, gender or racial discrimination
  • 移民
  • LGBT人群


Here are seven ways to help you or a loved one improve social connections and overcome loneliness:

  • 是社会. Participate in activities with people who have similar interests. Join a support group or team sport or sign up for a class to learn a new skill.
  • 关注积极的一面. Reduce the untrue thoughts you have about your self-worth and the perception of others.
  • 回归基本. 健康的习惯, such as engaging in physical activities, getting enough sleep and eating nutritious foods, are especially important during times of stress.
  • 志愿者. 帮助他人或做慈善工作.
  • 考虑养只宠物. Many studies have shown that pets help lower blood pressure and stress levels. 它们也提供陪伴, with one study finding that 80% of owners think their pet decreases loneliness.
  • 传递爱. Check on neighbors, family members or anyone who could be prone to loneliness.
  • 保持联系. Foster your relationships by regularly visiting, calling or texting friends and family.